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Marina Sirota receives 2017 AMIA New Investigator Award
Bakar Institute
October 8, 2017

AMIA recognizes ICHS faculty member, Marina Sirota, with an early career honor.

Wynton is Here!
Bakar Institute
September 7, 2017

Learn about UCSF’s growing Research Computing Capability.

ICHS Director named Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg Distinguished Professor
SF Chronicle
July 28, 2017

Philanthropists Chan and Zuckerberg donate $10M to support Atul Butte’s work and the ICHS

How Computers are Searching for Drugs of the Future
July 13, 2017

ICHS Faculty, Bin Chen, publishes method of drug discovery using open-access datasets in the latest issue of Nature Communications

Atul Butte receives 2017 Ilchun Molecular Medicine Award
Genome Medicine Institute
July 12, 2017

ICHS Director is honored by Korea’s Genome Medicine Institute with the 9th annual Ilchun Molecular Medicine Award

Artificial Intelligence Melanoma Detector Wins Cancer Center Impact Grant
June 20, 2017

Michael Keiser’s project team is awarded the Cancer Center ‘Shark Tank’ top prize!

A Precision Medicine approach to study pre-term birth
Bakar Institute
June 2, 2017

UCSF Faculty Tippi MacKenzie (Pediatric Surgery) and Marina Sirota (ICHS) receive a Burroughs Wellcome Fund award to study preterm birth using precision medicine strategies.

NIH Director features Michael Fischbach
May 18, 2017

Francis Collins writes in his NIH Director’s Blog about ICHS Faculty member Michael Fischbach’s work to identify the top 100 molecules in the human gut microbiome.

ICHS Faculty, Dexter Hadley, explains how he uses big data to practice medicine
May 3, 2017

In this article, Dexter gives his perspective on how technology and data science are enabling new ways to deliver healthcare.

How Computers are Searching for Drugs of the Future
April 11, 2017

This article on computational drug discovery features the work of two ICHS faculty, Brian Shoichet and Michael Keiser.

ICHS Faculty, Bin Chen, identifies promising drug candidate to treat liver cancer
March 30, 2017

Using computational methodologies to evaluate drug candidates, Chen and colleagues discover a promising new treatment.

BIDS-ICHS Data Science Fellowship, UC Berkeley/UCSF
Berkeley Institute for Data Science
March 8, 2017

ICHS has joined with UC Berkeley’s Institute for Data Science (BIDS) to offer a pair of fellowships, one from each campus, to strengthen the connection between the two campuses in the realm of data