Christopher Hess, MD, PhD
Dr. Hess completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering and later his MD at the University of Illinois. He joined UCSF as a resident in Radiology, and during his training was one of the first class of NIH T-32 Radiology research fellows, chief resident and recipient of the department’s Elmer Ng Award for outstanding resident. He completed his Radiology residency in 2007 and went on to complete a Neuroradiology fellowship at UCSF in 2008. He joined the Neuroradiology Section faculty that same year. He became chief of Neuroradiology in 2015, until 2018 when he became Chair of the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.
Developing and translating biomedical imaging to diagnose and treat neurological disease
Dr. Hess’s research interests lie in the development and translational application of magnetic resonance imaging techniques for diagnosis and treatment monitoring in neurologic disease. His scientific background is in MRI acquisition, reconstruction and image analysis, focusing on diffusion and high-field MRI. His primary clinical interests are in neurovascular disease, dementia, brain development, and epilepsy.