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Andreas M. Rauschecker, MD, PhD

Andreas Rauschecker, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology

Andreas Rauschecker earned his MD and PhD at Stanford with a PhD in Neuroscience studying the organization of the human brain's visual system using fMRI and DTI. He completed his Radiology Residency at the University of Pennsylvania, where he translated methods used in his PhD to clinical brain imaging. Dr. Rauschecker also completed an Informatics Fellowship at Penn. At UCSF he completed a T-32 sponsored research fellowship and his clinical neuroradiology fellowship. Dr. Rauschecker joined the UCSF faculty as a neuroradiologist in 2020. Dr. Rauschecker’s work focuses on developing and applying algorithms to analyze and quantify clinical brain MRI in the context of a variety of pathologies.

Research Overview:

Digital and Computational Health Science
Dr. Rauschecker’s lab leverages modern AI methodologies to quantify, describe, and understand clinical brain MRIs. This work includes new imaging biomarker discovery, using AI for diagnostics and prognostics, and using AI for better understanding variation in the normal brain.

Computational health science interests: